Homeopathy and Anti-Ageing

Did you know cosmetic acupuncture can help you take a unique, 360-degree approach to your beauty and wellness beyond just needling? Did you know that homeopathy can assist and enhance its effect?

To get that glow and for your face to rejuvenate we need to involve the whole body, otherwise the effect will be short-lived. Connecting your physical body with your inner beauty. 

For example, in Chinese medicine, if the problem is sagging skin, it’s not just a case of prodding needles into those places. For the effect to be long-lasting, we need to improve the function of the spleen because it’s responsible for the lifting action. We work with acupuncture points on the face AND engage spleen acupuncture points on the body as well.

Homeopathy including use of Schuessler tissue salts can be beautifully integrated into anti-ageing treatments. First of all, we can use various tissue salts to maintain the glow of your complexion. Tissue salts can be prescribed and taken on a regular basis to assist with problems such as dry, oily or dehydrated skin, open pores, acne, small wrinkles, deep naso-labial folds, and puffiness.

In the case of pigmentation, we often look at liver function. We can support the liver with various homeopathic remedies. As mentioned above, in cases of sagging skin, we can look at how to support the spleen and digestive function (often the reason for many skin complaints). There is also an option to combine the intake of collagen with collagen-boosting homeopathic remedies.  

Anti-ageing homeopathy is great when women lost their skin lustre and want to return to their vibrant, beautiful selves.


A New Look At Tissue Salts.


Dry Eye Syndrome